quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2018

This is how I started writing

This is my first post and my first time exposing my feelings and thoughts online. It is a little scary, to be honest.

I was always curious and afraid of exposing myself online, have read several medium posts about that and that is how all started, even though it was always a distant future/option for me.

I have always enjoyed reading other people's posts, and because of that, with so many good writers out there, I never really thought I was up to the task.

Today I decided to risk and give it a real try, I will probably be the only one reading this, but anyway, why not? I have a lot of ideas, so many times I started writing on my google docs, or even on my note app on my phone, the best ones are dialogues in my head, that I completely forget once I am in front of a computer, or even a piece of paper.

But the main reason why I decided to start this blog today was that I grew a little tired of the content have become lately, there are so many "formulas" to succeed online that I already lost count on how many "how to" posts I have seen, especially on medium, trying to "teach" the reader how to start being a writer... I have the feeling that people who do those kinds of posts are not really interested in teaching others how to write, improve their lives or anything, I just really seem to be a way to get an audience. And I really think that is unfair.

I still believe some are actually trying to help, but the posts on "how to" became the formula itself.  How many online writers have written at least one post on that? How many others used those kinds of posts to build an audience big enough so they can get paid for the post?

I just want to receive fewer e-mails from Blog platforms with suggestions such as "How to start writing and be successful doing it" or "how to change your life with this 5 simple steps" "How to change your mentality to be successful" and SO. MANY. MORE. As if it was THAT simple!

I have been studying Digital Marketing in the past few months, and I notice that those "how to" are actually the standard model to attract audience's attention. The idea behind is that is to show that you know what you are talking about and you are willing to help your audience solve a real problem (which is nice), and I should probably use this in this here too, just to check if it is really a successful approach.

My feeling is that life is too short for us to spend it reading all this "how to" posts that are popping up online on a daily basis, specially because many of them are nonsense. But who knows, I am just a beginner in this writing world. I still have a lot to learn!

Anyways, thank you for reading.

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