quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2018

A girl's journey - finding a career path

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Larissa, she was on her twenties and full of dreams. Basically, she was already a young woman but still felt as though there were so many things to achieve in life that she was still just a girl in this crazy beautiful world.

She dreamt about being successful, finding her soulmate, someone who would be kind, smart, hardworking and that would share dreams and aspirations with her.

She always wanted to leave her home country, live abroad in a foreign land, getting familiar with other cultures, and meeting new and different people. She had traveled a little, but still, without someone to tag along, to share the experiences with, it just wasn't the same thing.

But there was one thing, that made things a little more difficult for her, how can you be successful if you don't know exactly what you want to do as for an occupation?

Like many of her age, she still didn't quite feel as though she knew where she was going. She always knew she wanted to be successful at work, but not quite sure what kind of job she wanted to do. She had been doing well so far, but not exactly happy about it. As the years were passing, she had worked in mostly administrative jobs, she always did her best and delivered a good job, but she kept having that feeling that she could do more.

When she was at university, pursuing her bachelor's degree, she had a marketing subject, and since then, she always felt compelled to learn more about it. So she gave it a go and decided to take a post-graduation course in International Marketing. But despite her expectations, that was still not enough for her to make the career change she was longing for.

At this point in her life, she had met this amazing guy, smart, hard-working, super handsome, and they started to share mutual dreams of going to another place, a new country perhaps, to pursue a more quiet, nature-friendly, way of life, with more quality time and fewer worries. Then those dreams started to become real, tangible, life-changing plans!

So now she started facing a dilemma on what could she do now about her career doubts? Should she go to this new country and try to find the same types of jobs she did in her home country, or should she use this as an opportunity to finally make the job transition and try something new?

And then it was when she made up her mind about going back to studying and learn more about marketing. She has heard about Digital Marketing, how it was a rising occupation, and it was already in high demand on the market. So this was the Marketing type of her choice. If she ever thought about trying to find a home-based job in the future, something she could do from anywhere in the world, that was her best shot.

Choices made, it was time for her to go and find a course she could take that would enable her to do the job, in a small period of time.

She searched the web for courses, several websites promised so much and it was hard to believe they could deliver or were way too expensive with no guarantees. Until she found some courses to learn on her own pace and with a low fee, but it still didn't seem to fit her needs. She wanted something that would help her learn hands-on, and with people who could actually help her in her objectives. One day she became very good friends with another girl who happened to know a very good online learning platform, that gave support to the students, even had a career plan, and team to help the students to find jobs in their desired areas, the name of the platform you ask? It is Udacity!

And that was just her new beginning.

Obs: Come back if you want to know what her next steps will be, if and where she is going, and how this new career of her choice is going to treat her... I sure want to learn more about that!

#Udacity #IminDMND #StoryTelling #DigitalMarketing

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